Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items(NFI)
When an emergency happens, it causes people to lose their homes, they lose security for themselves and their belongings and the dignity that comes from having privacy. They also lose one of their
In 2017, IAF improved food security and protected livelihoods for 80,000 people, distributed emergency supplies to nearly 150,000 people and provided temporary shelter for 10,000 people as well as access to safe water and adequate hygiene for about 200,000
people affected by disasters.
largest assets in terms of household income and livelihoods. IAF supports communities to house themselves again. This support can involve a wide range of interventions – from supporting actions in the planned camps for example in Nakuru and Eldoret-following Ethnic Clashes in 2007/2008 and in Tana River and Garissa Counties following the floods in early 2018 and distributing basic shelter materials, to repairing or constructing temporary shelters for example temporary learning Spaces(TLS) or community buildings, or providing water, drainage and access roads-using cash for work initiatives.